
In the Works

Truth and Reconciliation Project

Currently working with several galleries to bring the Truth and Reconciliation Project to other communities.


Truth and Reconciliation Project

Summer/Fall of 2023

Art Gallery of Bancroft

Curators : Robin Tinney & Rocky Lawrence Green

Group Exhibitions

The Truth and Reconciliation Project will be structured as two separate, but connected, art exhibits that will be shown one after the other at the Art Gallery of Bancroft. Each exhibition will feature a unique mix of artwork and artists.

The first show, “Truth”, will be exclusively Algonquin artists exploring the truth of our relationship with Canada. The second show, “Reconciliation” will be non-Indigenous artists exploring what reconciliation really means, what it might look like, and what changes are required for it to work.

Truth and Reconciliation Project website

Finding Critical Mass

August 3 – September 3, 2016

Art Gallery of Bancroft

Curator : Robin Tinney

Group Exhibition

August was a momentous month for members of the Algonquin communities in Ontario. For the first time, the Art Gallery of Bancroft exhibited the work of Algonquin artists.  Finding Critical Mass was a means to spark a creative revival; a new collection of ideas, images and artwork from which to rebuild our decimated culture. The artists were primarily new, undiscovered and/or self-taught artists from the 10 Algonquin communities in Ontario.